Transparency Code

The government has published ‘The Code of Recommended Practice for Local Authorities on Data Transparency’ which requires parish councils which have a gross annual income or expenditure (whichever is the higher) of a least £200,000 to publish ‘Public Data’. The Government has implemented this Code of Practice for local authorities to provide greater transparency of public bodies, which is at the heart of their mandate to enable greater democratic accountability over how council tax and public money is spent. However, Public Data does not include personal information as this would contravene the Data Protection Act 1998. In accordance with the Code of Recommended Practice Redruth Town Council makes the following information available:

Expenditure over £500
Our Schedule of Payments are approved at each meeting of the Council and therefore form part of the Minutes of that meeting. Should you wish to examine these payments please look at the Full Council Meetings page.

Senior Employees
The Town Council is required to publish details of any senior employees (including job descriptions, responsibilities, budgets, and number of staff) earning over £58,200 per annum.
Redruth Town Council has no employees earning in excess of this sum.

Staff Structure and Current Vacancies
The Town Council currently employs twenty members of staff headed up by the Town Clerk, and more information on our current staff can be found here. Current vacancies will be advertised on our Vacancies page along with vacancies for the role of Councillor.

Members Allowances and Expenses
Although able to have access to Members Allowances, the current Council have chosen not to draw down any of this allowance.   The Town Mayor receives an annual allowance of up to £2000 to enable them to undertake their duties during their time in office. Payments for this are shown in the schedule of payments identified above.

Procurement Information
Local authorities must publish details of every invitation to tender for contracts to provide goods and/or services with a value that exceeds £5000.

Contracts expected to be in excess of £25000 are published via the Contracts Finder website.

Local authorities must also publish details of any contract, commissioned activity, purchase order, framework agreement and any other legally enforceable agreement with a value that exceeds £5000 annually.

Grants to the Voluntary, Community, and Social Enterprise Sector

The Town Council sets aside a budget each year to support local organisations. In addition, larger scale projects may benefit from funding from the Regeneration Budget. All requests for Financial Assistance should be made using the Town Council Grant Application Forms. No other form of request will be considered.   We will publish a list of organisations that benefit from these grants.

The Location of Public Land and Buildings
The Town Council has numerous buildings and facilities which are either in our ownership or leased and we are required to maintain a register of these properties.

For more information about the Code of Recommended Practice for Local Authorities on Data Transparency please visit