Redruth Neighbourhood Development Plan


The Regulation 14 consultation has now finished (it was open 25th November 2023 – 5th February 2024).  Thank you to everyone who took part, it is appreciated.  We will now collate and review the responses received and update the document as appropriate.  We will publish the consultation results and the revised document V14 in Spring 2024.


The consultation version of the document and the 16 appendices are still available to read below.

We are delighted to publish the consultation draft of our Redruth Neighbourhood Development Plan. Redruth Neighbourhood Plan v13i DRAFT

The 16 Appendices which are referenced in the NDP V13 document are as follows:-

Appendix 1 Policy Index v13.pdf

Appendix 2a Redruth Historic Building Assets for Protection

Appendix 2b Redruth National Importance Historic Assets

Appendix 2c Redruth Historic Green Spaces within the development boundary for Protection

Appendix 3 A Housing Needs Assessment for Redruth was undertaken in 2019. The document can be viewed here.

Appendix 4 redruth-town-profile

Appendix 5 Redruth In Numbers draft

Appendix 6 Redruth Town & World Heritage Site Spatial Vision & Investment Plan 2022 (LAVIGNE LONSDALE)

Appendix 7 Redruth NP_Workshop 2_200727_LR

Appendix 8 All Green Spaces within the Development Boundary

Appendix 9 SEA Environmental Report

Appendix 10 HRA Report

Appendix 11 Statement of Community Involvement Nov 23

Appendix 12 Redruth Action Plan

Appendix 13 List of current and future projects for Redruth

Appendix 14 CPIR_GI_Strategy_Consultation_2021

Appendix 15 Brand Filter for Redruth

Appendix 16 Policy Information summary related to this NDP

View the Development Map for Redruth Parish here.


The next meeting of the Steering Group will be held on Tuesday 27th February 2024. A copy of the agenda can be found here. A copy of the most recent approved minutes from the Steering Group is also published.

Although led by the Council this is very much a community-driven plan and this involves working with YOU! If you are interested in contributing, please contact the Town Council at or by telephone on 01209 210038.


Q: Why do a Neighbourhood Plan?

A: Creating a Neighbourhood Plan gives the community a process to have a say on the use and development of the land within the Parish. The Cornwall Local Plan was formally adopted on 22nd November 2016. This Cornwall Plan provides the overarching planning policy framework for Cornwall, which our Redruth Neighbourhood Plan will be considering. The Cornwall Plan will cover the period up to 2030. The Redruth Neighbourhood Plan will have the same time frame.

Q: When did the Redruth Neighbourhood Plan work start?

A: Redruth started the Neighbourhood Planning process for Redruth Parish in 2017. PFA Research Ltd were commissioned by the Town Council to carry out an initial survey of residents and businesses about the town, its infrastructure, and the community. A copy of the report is available for viewing and information.

Q: Who has been doing the work so far?

A: During 2018 volunteers and Councillors came together in five working groups:- Heritage; Housing; Transport; Town Centre & Economy and Public Services. Over 40 meetings have taken place developing evidence, issues and policy ideas for the topic areas. In addition to these working groups, monthly Steering Group meetings have also taken place, agreeing how to progress the work.

Q: What is the Steering Group?

A: The Steering Group is responsible for delivering the Redruth Neighbourhood Plan and operates to agreed terms of reference. The Steering Group is made up of a cross-section of volunteers from the community, including Town Councillors, up to a maximum of 15 members.

Get in touch - if you have any questions, comments or would like to get involved, please let us know by contacting

Remember, this is YOUR Plan, so have YOUR input.

Steering Group Terms of Reference

Latest Minutes from the Steering Group

PFA Research Report