Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)

Since 1 January 2019 Cornwall Council has been charging a Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) on all new developments, and they are required to pass back to local councils a percentage of any receipts from development that has commenced.   The amount paid is 15% (capped at £100 per existing Council Tax paying dwelling), or 25% where there is an adopted Neighbourhood Development Plan.

Most CIL income comes from residential developments, however, the Redruth parish has a residential CIL rate of zero, therefore there will be no CIL receipts from this type of development in your area.   However, despite a CIL rating of zero, Cornwall Council has agreed to still pass on a Neighbourhood style payment to the Town Council.

Under the CIL regulations, we are required to complete an annual return of CIL Receipts and Expenditure, and these are shown below:


CIL Report for FY 2020-21

CIL Report for FY 2021-22

CIL Report for FY 2022-23 

CIL Report for FY 2023-24